How can men improve the pleasure of ejaculation?

Ejaculation is a glamorous part of a man's sex life, and the euphoria that comes from a moment of ejaculation is unparalleled. It is this feeling of euphoria that makes men willing to "push" for sex. In a person's life, only a limited number of sexual acts are for procreation, the majority of sexual acts are for the pursuit of sexual pleasure, which is the difference between human "sex" and animal "mating". It's easier to satisfy secx doll.

In clinical work, some patients complain of sexual pleasure or sexual euphoria in sex life is reduced, affecting the enthusiasm of patients to participate in sexual activities, on the one hand, long-term semen stasis in the prostate can not be excreted, may further lead to prostatitis (CP); On the other hand, long-term non-participation in sexual life may lead to the occurrence of erectile dysfunction (ED), further leading to family discord.

Ejaculation is divided into two parts: lactation and ejaculation. The first step of ejaculation: when the sexual stimulation accumulates to a certain intensity, the reflex center located in the lumbar 1-2 segments of the spinal cord sends out sympathetic nerve impulses and reaches the reproductive organs, causing the epididymis and ampulla of the vas deferens to contract, moving the semen to the posterior urethra, and then the smooth muscle of the peripheral prostate contracted, and then the seminal vesicles contracted, excreting the prostatic fluid and seminal vesicles, and pushing the semen forward to the posterior urethra.

The second step ejaculation: when the sexual stimulation to sufficient strength, the posterior urethra is stimulated to send signals, through the pudendal nerve afferent spinal cord sacral segment, followed by the spinal cord issued rhythmic impulse to the ischial cavernosum muscle and bulbous cavernosum muscle, so that the contraction, resulting in the internal pressure of erectile tissue rhythm wave type increase, ejaculate semen through the urethra outside the mouth. At the same time, the bladder sphincter contracts, closing the passage between the bladder and the urethra to prevent semen from entering the bladder or urine from entering the urethra. This increases the pressure in the urethra and makes ejaculation more powerful. There are cheap love dolls.

The tissues and organs associated with ejaculation include testis, epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicles, prostate, ejaculatory ducts, urethra and other related ducts. Ejaculation is a complex physiological process, and the neuromuscles most closely related to it include: (1) the central nervous brain, which controls the whole process of sexual intercourse and may be the ultimate source of euphoria, and the spinal cord (S2-4), which integrates the tactile stimulation of the penis and sends out the impulse to ejaculate. (2) Peripheral nerves, mainly the branches of the spinal cord (S2-4) segment, sensory nerves are mainly penile dorsal nerves, cavernous nerves, distributed in the glans, prepuce and other parts of the end to sensory stimulation, distribution in the urethra mucosa of the end to feel the flow of fluid in the urethra, motor nerves are mainly innervated by the sciatic cavernous muscle and bulbous cavernous muscle contraction perineal nerves. And the vegetal nerves that supply the smooth muscles of the associated glands. (3) Muscles, mainly including the ischial cavernous muscle and bulbocavernous muscle, which are the main sources of increased pressure in the urethra during ejaculation, and the smooth urethra muscle also plays a role (patients with proximal hypospadias corrected by "buried sliver method" often have ejaculatory weakness in adulthood).

Possible causes and pathogenesis of reduced or absent ejaculatory pleasure:

1. The inhibitory effect of drugs on the central system

Such as benzodiazepines, barbiturates and other drugs of sedation, sleepiness may have an inhibitory effect on the production of euphoria. Whether brain mediators such as endorphin cannot be replenished in time after consumption remains to be investigated.

2. Peripheral nerve sensation is weakened

Prostatitis, seminal vesiculitis, long-term repeated congestion of the posterior urethra and other reasons lead to posterior urethra edema, and the sensitivity of the sensory nerve endings on the urethra mucosa decreases.

3. Related muscles such as the ischial spongiform muscle and the bulbous spongiform muscle have weak contraction

Prostatitis, seminal vesiculitis, long-term repeated congestion of the posterior urethra and other reasons lead to the ischial cavernous muscle and bulbous cavernous muscle and other related muscles weak contraction, the pressure in the urethra is not enough to make the semen "shoot" out but just flow out, resulting in the feeling of expansion is not released at the moment but slowly release, pleasure is reduced.

4. Reduction of semen volume

Short-term repeated ejaculation in the semen volume is not timely supplement, the removal of the prostate, seminal vesicles and other organs to reduce the amount of semen, the amount of semen accumulated before ejaculation in the posterior urethra is not enough to make the posterior urethra produce enough sense of expansion, so that the sexual euphoria of ejaculation is not strong, or ejaculatory domain value decline, when the posterior urethra semen volume has not accumulated to a certain amount when it has been ejaculated.

5, due to fatigue, marital relationship and other reasons

A lack of initiative to engage in sexual life due to fatigue, marital incompatibility or other reasons can also lead to a lack of adequate sexual pleasure during ejaculation.

Ancient Chinese medicine books on the sexual pleasure of the record lack of clear expression, but "Su Wen • Six sections of the Zang Theory" says: "kidney, the main sting. Seal the original, the essence is also." Kidney is congenital, the main collection of essence and Qi, for the man congenital, the man's sexual ability and kidney Yang, kidney Qi is closely related, kidney Qi weak, life fire is insufficient, so ejaculation is weak. Kidney sperm deficit, a no sperm can be shot or less than shot, two Jingguan open division. Kidney Yang deficiency, Jingguan open weak. Liver main drainage, the meridians around the Yin organ, too small abdomen, kidney accumulation of essence, must be by the liver's drainage effect to discharge in the body, otherwise become sperm stasis turbidity stop accumulation in the body. Zhu Danxi said: "The main closure of the kidney, the main release of the liver." Only the opening and closing of the kidney, liver drainage is normal, in order to maintain normal ejaculation function. Therefore, most of the TCM community will blame the disease on the liver and kidney two viscera. Some scholars classified ejaculatory weakness into six causes, such as weak kidney Yang deficiency, deficiency of kidney essence, deficiency of middle qi, dampness turbidity and disturbance of essence, liver Qi stagnation and phlegm obstruction of spermatozoa.

Treatment ideas for reduced or missing ejaculatory pleasure:

1. Treat the primary disease

As mentioned above, chronic prostatitis, seminal vesiculitis and other diseases, as well as posterior urethral edema caused by irregular and repeated erections can lead to reduced ejaculatory pleasure, in which case the treatment of the primary disease is essential. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the etiology and pathogenesis of chronic prostatitis are related to Xiang-fire, damp-heat, Jing-turbidity block, qi stagnation and blood stasis, cold and temperature imbalance, etc. The corresponding treatments such as Huanglian Qingxin Decoction, Beixiefeneqing Decoction, Shaofu Zhuyu Decoction, and traditional Chinese medicine enema can not only treat CP, but also accelerate local blood circulation and promote the subside of local edema. In addition to the regular treatment of chronic prostatitis, foot treatment, regular abstaining from spicy tobacco and alcohol, warm and other life maintenance is also very important. Posterior urethral congestion caused by repeated erections is more common in young adults who are unmarried, divorced or widowed. For these patients, it is recommended to participate in physical activities and avoid being alone. Regular masturbation can be used to release sperm and relieve sexual tension.

2. Improve pudendal neuromuscular function

Sitting for a long time, prostatitis and so on can lead to the perineal nerve muscle in a long-term tense, spasm state, resulting in ejaculation when the relevant muscles can not be strongly contracted. Some scholars use neostigmine intramuscular injection + pyridostigmine oral treatment ejaculatory weakness effect is good. Ephedra contains pseudoephedrine and other alkaloids, as an adrenal sonergic receptor stimulant, can excite the smooth muscle of the seminal tract, and has a strong central excitatory effect, can improve the excitability of the ejaculation center. Acupuncture at Guanyuan, perineum and other points can obviously relieve local muscle spasm, and can accelerate local blood circulation, and has a good effect on prostatitis.

3. Increase semen volume

Modern medicine believes that semen is mainly composed of epididymal fluid, seminal vesicle fluid, prostatic fluid and bulbous urethral gland fluid, among which seminal vesicle fluid and prostatic fluid are the main parts. The amount of semen decreases with age. Semen is most in the 20s and 30s, less in the 40s and 50s, and less after the 60s. Chinese medicine believes that the production of semen is closely related to the kidney Yin and kidney Yang, taking Yin and Yang drugs such as wolfberry, Euphorbia, Herba fulmedium can increase the amount of semen, in addition to acupuncture Guanyuan point can also increase the amount of semen.

Semen volume and the frequency of sex life has a certain relationship, the more frequent sex life, ejaculation volume is often less, if once a day or several times, ejaculation volume will be significantly reduced, even less than 2 ml; If there is no sex for more than 1 week or no semen overflow for a long time, the ejaculation volume will increase and may be close to or more than 6 ml. About the frequency of sexual life, there is an Miao saying in Sun Simiao: men "discharge once every 20, 2 days; 30, 3 days a leak; On the 40th and 4th; Fifty, on the fifth..." Can be used as a reference.

4, delay ejaculation, improve premature ejaculation

In patients with premature ejaculation, the ejaculatory domain value is low, and when the volume of semen in the posterior urethra has not accumulated enough, the center has issued the impulse to ejaculate. It is possible to increase the pleasure of patients by increasing the plateau period, so that patients can ejaculate after sufficient semen volume and the whole body is ready for ejaculation. At present, the commonly used method to treat premature ejaculation is motion-stop marriage, which requires the couple to cooperate; The drugs taken internally are mainly sedatives to reduce the tension of the patient, such as small doses of Diazepam, Prozac, methicillin, etc., while the external drugs are mainly topical anesthetics to reduce local sensation, such as lidocaine gel. Such oral and topical drugs may lead to erectile dysfunction, affect sexual pleasure and other side effects; Condoms can also be used to reduce penis irritation.

5. Build physical strength and energy

Sexual activity is energy consuming exercise, without a strong body can not withstand high intensity sexual activity. Now most people's work, life lack of exercise components, ejaculation weakness is those who work in the office for a long time. Strengthening exercise on the one hand can enhance physical strength, on the other hand can relieve tension, depressed emotions, both of which are of great benefit to enhance sexual pleasure and improve the quality of sex life. Traditional Chinese medicine Buzhong Yiqi decoction, Shenqi pill and so on are also good for improving patients' physical strength and energy. In addition, psychological intervention should be throughout the improvement of ejaculation treatment.

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