1 thought on “What is the definition of Bai Yan?”

  1. The literal meaning of this word is to spend money without spending money, often using rice circles, which means that rice loves is not spent money for him. People.
    This fans are often called "white rice", or "BP rice" for short. In addition, the word is often used in the game circle. Game Baiji Party often refers to the purchase of genuine games to find the cracking version of the players and some gamers who do not have gold.
    S source and development experience:
    1, "White 嫖" source
    The first word was evolved from the word that the client in the cricket did not give money for money. The earliest popularity in the rice circle in 2013 was slowly well known by the game circle.

    2. The development experience of "White 嫖"
    The statement about the word Bai Ji is also controversial. Some people think that it is so reason that it is not rough. After all, people's superiority of people who do not spend money, after all, rational stars are doing their best.

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