1 thought on “How to explain the advantages of jewelry”

  1. The front -line sales staff must read the jewelry industry and product knowledge to fully understand the characteristics of the product. There must be a good understanding of the jewelry that you sell, so that you can use these knowledge to use these knowledge to impress customers. As a successful salesperson, you must finger the store in the store so that you can quickly provide the goods to the guests without the need for guests to wait for a long time, so that the guests have confidence in you. The editor believes that the seller should use the following three methods when explaining the advantages of the product:n1. The method of emphasizing value explanation should be dependent on the method of value interpretation.n2. Use the characteristics to explain the value, to recognize the characteristics of jewelry, it is the value of the customer's sought; don't just explain the characteristics of jewelry to migrate, but to turn these characteristics into "benefits" and useful "benefits" for customers, "benefits", and usefulness "Advantages" pass to customers in a reliable and organized way.n3. Emphasizing that jewelry of jewelry represents emotions can touch customers' "needs" in emotion, and can stimulate a variety of motivations. At this time Serve. These motivations are common: truthfulness, new, seeking changes, seeking, seeking, seeking interests, seeking interest, seeking excellence, seeking more, seeking beauty, seeking differences, curiosity, reserves, preferences, customs, imitation, obedience, obedience to crowd , Prestige, showing off, super group, self -improvement, and so on.

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