4 thoughts on “What does it mean that the girl's right index finger wears a ring”

  1. It means single and not in love

    the meaning of wearing a ring on other fingers:

    1. Little finger of the right hand: not in love

    2. Right ring finger: in love

    3. Middle finger of the right hand: famous flowers have masters

    4. Index finger of right hand: single nobleman

  2. Standard etiquette means that she wants someone to pursue the
    index finger -- if she wants to get married, it means she is unmarried
    middle finger -- already in love
    ring finger -- indicates engagement or marriage
    little finger -- indicates celibacy
    right hand and left hand have different meanings
    little finger of right hand: not in love
    right ring finger: in love
    the middle finger of the right hand: famous flowers have owners
    index finger of right hand: single aristocrat; Waiting for love
    little finger of left hand: unmarried
    left ring finger: marriage
    middle finger of left hand: engagement
    left index finger: unmarried.

  3. Because you often take care of your parents without taking into account her feelings, she didn't need to take care of her children that day, so she was relieved to go and die, so that you and your parents could live a good life.

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